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Sun-Fri 08:00AM-05:00PM IST

Dr. Jessica Neuville

Dr. Jessica Neuville


Jessica Neuville received her Doctor of Optometry degree from the University of California, Berkeley. After completing a residency at the Kansas City VAMC in ocular disease and low vision, she became a faculty member at Midwestern University, Arizona College of Optometry. In 2015, she joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a Clinical Associate. Dr. Neuville’s areas of teaching include clinical skills, ocular pathology and ocular pharmacology. She was the recipient of the Faculty Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching in 2021 and Faculty Team Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching in 2022. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and serves on the education committee of the World Council of Optometry. Her current interests include the development of new eLearning strategies to enhance students’ learning experience.